
Coaching; Executive, Leadership, Career Change and Personal Growth.

I’ve loved coaching and mentoring individuals since the late 90’s when I worked within a corporate environment. Since then, I’ve been continuously developing my skills, experience and methods, having worked with hundreds of individuals in a style that feels authentic – yet challenging. I create a space where we can be honest and go as deep as necessary to unblock those barriers from moving forward. An ideal match is someone who can have a positive effect on others and isn’t afraid to take action.

Group facilitation, mastermind groups

“We are greater than the sum of our parts” Bringing people together and seeing the magic they produce is so rewarding. I facilitate group sessions with people from various backgrounds via Execute Peer Group Masterminds or internal team meetings: using methodologies such as Action Learning or a bespoke style to maximise diverse communication styles. These can be face-to-face or remote, via video platforms like MS Teams, Zoom, Meet etc.

Through my help, hundreds of people from organisations such as the Growth Company, The GC Business Growth Hub, The Global Entrepreneurship Network and Mental Health Charities have experienced transformation and developed ideas, learned skills, and made their ideas a reality. All are treated as equals to maximise contribution.

Training Workshop Creation & Delivery

Mentoring training, Public Speaking, Presenting, Networking. I have written, developed, and delivered countless workshops and events. Many can be used “off the shelf”, all can be adapted to suit the needs of the delegate and I always deliver something which adds far more value than expected for the client and attendees.

Public Speaking

I have spoken at many events, including TEDx, to groups from 10 to thousands. I create keynotes from a career of experiences, “speaking from the heart,” to connect with, engage, inspire, and make a lasting memory for attendees. I am described as authentic, moving, raw and personable.


If you are serious about change and helping others, we can have an open and honest and non-judgemental conversation. We’ll soon learn how we, together, can develop a simple plan to drive forward. 

If you're ready to take the first step, book your call now or drop me a line.